Junioreiden rugbyleirin 4.-6.6.2024 ilmoittautuminen

    I understand that participation in any program which involves physical activity exposes the camper to certain risks and dangers. Accidents and injuries are always a possibility, and it is impossible to foresee and protect the camper from all conceivable dangers. We contract sports insurance for all participants.

    By submitting this form, I affirm that my child has/have no conditions that would make it unsafe for him/her/them to participate in the camp. I understand that the coaches may exclude my child from the camp in the event that my child fails to follow the safety protocols, disrupts or interferes with the operations of the Camp, or threatens the health, safety or welfare of other participants or Camp staff. (in the case of this event, coaches will call the parent(s) and request that they'd pick their child up from the camp immediately. We can't refund the costs unfortunately.).

    I acknowledge the risks associated with participation in the camp and hereby release all claims and liabilities against the camp (including its staff) that may arise from injuries, harm or loss resulting from participation in the camps to the fullest extent. If you need to cancel, please get in touch immediately - we can't refund the participation fee if the cancellation happens less than two weeks before the camp.